“A great editor not only points out the gaffes in a manuscript, but also helps you, as a writer, realize the enormous possibilities that exist within the text. Thanks, Holly Lorincz.”
Vince Zandri, NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling author: THE SHROUD KEY, EVERYTHING BURNS, MOONLIGHT WEEPS, the 2015 Seamus Award and ITW winner, and many more bestselling titles.
Writing is a collaborative effort. If you need someone to bounce ideas off and give you honest feedback, we’re here. If you need a proofreader and copy editor, we are quick and proficient. If you need a thorough assessment of your text, each of us is thrilled to immerse ourself in your work, be it fiction, academic material, industry text, creative non fiction, or a screenplay. And if you’re ready to self-publish, we can provide a professionally formatted ebook document ready to upload. Review the Services and Fees pages for specifics; if you don’t see what you need, contact us, we can work something out.
Our editors have a broad background in the publishing industry. This is our focus because we truly enjoy reading and guiding writers to a polished product. As highly trained close readers, we are ethical, truthful and positive with developmental and copyediting recommendations.
We love words. We’re happy to work with any writer, with any genre or format. Whether writing a novel, screenplay, article, essay, blog post, business proposal, thesis, grant, query letter, publishing proposal, memoir, informational text, short story, or a speech, we have the knowledge and skills to help you.
Let’s get started!
By the way, owner Holly Lörincz was recently ranked as one of Amazon’s top #25 Kindle Biography/Memoir writers, and top #100 Biography/Memoir writers in Print!
We refuse to accept racist, sexist, or bigoted projects.
We see books as a conduit to creating a better world.
Check out our Services page, and email hollylorincz@gmail.com for quotes and deadlines.