Christina Pfister was born and raised near Vienna, Austria. Her international background, as well as her passion for language, culture, and the worldviews they embody, have positioned her well for her many years as a language and culture consultant. She holds a B.A. in German and a M.A. in Cross-Cultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. She has worked as a freelance editor, translator, and German and English teacher for fourteen years. She is especially experienced in editing M.A. and Ph.D. level academic papers, and assisting in academic research and writing. She has collaborated on a number of research projects for universities, non-profit organizations, and academic institutes.
Her private writing consultees especially appreciate her willingness to enter into their worlds and retain their original voice/perspective while improving the structure and clarity of their writing. She has worked with many international clients for whom English is their second, third, or fourth language. Ever an educator, she enjoys walking alongside writers to help them produce their best work. Her fields of expertise include literature, sociology, anthropology, theology, pedagogy, philosophy, and music.
Feel free to contact Christina directly at