Brian Tibbetts, Editor

BRT HeadshotBrian Tibbetts is an editor, author, visual artist, and musician living and working in Portland, Oregon. He holds an MA in book publishing from Portland State University, where he served as Acquisitions Manager of Ooligan Press and Editor-in-Chief of Portland Review. He is consulting editor to the literary publication Unshod Quills and contributing editor to the arts and culture magazine Nailed. He has several years of experience in sales, marketing, and public relations. He edits both fiction and non-fiction manuscripts for the general market, including corporate website content, and is well-versed in helping clients (both individual and corporations) build and execute marketing strategies.


“Brian, I can’t thank you enough for giving my manuscript your full-bodied assessment. You were just what the doctor ordered — I learned so much about story form and scene development from your feedback. Indeed, as you stated in my developmental notes, ‘driving action through conflict and tension has to be done within scenes’, it’s a quote I’ve since taped to my desktop. Thank you for your comments and for taking the time and care to nurture this project. It, and I have benefited beyond measure for your edits and suggestions. I couldn’t have done this without you and appreciate your dedication more than you know. I look forward to working with you again soon.”
Donna Rullo


“Brian Tibbetts has the unteachable skill of being able to edit a story by making it flow in a way which respects the author’s vision and guides the reader deeper into the work. I know that my work has seen greater heights thanks to Brian’s compassionate editorial skills.”

John Barrios, author of Here Comes the New Joy

“Brian’s insights and his attention to detail made me think about my story in ways I hadn’t when writing it, and ultimately resulted in a much stronger piece. He always had sound rationale for his suggestions, and offered them with my expressed goals for the piece in mind.”
Mark Russell, author of God is Disappointed in You

“In 2013 I had the opportunity, and what turned out to be pleasure to work with Brian Tibbetts on a piece I submitted to a local anthology. While I usually am accustomed to writing fiction, this piece was not and therefore a bit out of my wheelhouse. Even after running it through my personal writing group, I still felt the piece was not “quite right.” Brian’s suggestions of some cuts as well as some clarifications brought the piece in line to make it much more heartfelt and efficient. His suggestions of changes were completely welcomed by me, as they were intelligent and knowledgeable. All of these things were done in such a way that was thoughtful and considerate, and well, to be blunt, they made me feel like I was a little bit smarter than I actually may be. My experience working with Brian has been a sheer pleasure. His editing skills are simply put, top notch.”
Bradley Rosen