“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; 
show me the glint of light on broken glass.” 
Anton Chekhov


We can usually schedule your work to begin within 3-6 weeks. Once we begin, our turnaround time is generally 7-14 days. Our editors are highly qualified, ethical, and insightful, with graduate degrees and years of experience between us (see Credentials).

You will notice our fees are extremely competitive—for more information about industry-standard rates, see the Editorial Freelance Association. We focus quality time on your projects, but we are also realistic and empathetic to the economic fluctuations in a writer’s world.

If none of the following service descriptions seem to meet your needs, please feel free to contact us at Or click here if you are ready to talk to us.

Writing Mentor: Topic development and Outline Consultation.
One of us would be happy to have a phone or Skype conversation with you, discussing the focus and development of a piece of writing (book, pamphlet, blog, article, grant, etc.), no matter the stage of the project. For example, we can help build an outline or synopsis, or tweak what you already have, based on your goals for the manuscript, both internally and in the market.
A thirty-minute consultation is $60, sixty minutes for $100

50-Page Assessment: This is basically a mini developmental edit, assessing the first fifty pages of your manuscript. The audience, voice, and marketability of both fiction and non-fiction projects will be considered, as well as the structure and movement of the content. Reviews are truthful and constructive.
Basic fee is $450
Fee may be higher if the content is technical

Proofreading/Basic Copyediting: Mechanical errors are corrected, such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Basic formatting will be addressed, such as paragraphing and page breaks. Corrections and comments will be digital, made through track changes in Microsoft Word so you have the option to reject objectionable editing suggestions. If you need a hard copy proofread, we can work that out.
Basic fee is generally $40 an hour 
Fee may be more if manuscript needs an intensive edit, or the content is highly technical
Sample Quote: 85,000 word book/250 words per pg = 340 pages
340 pages/10 pages edited per hour = 34 hours
34 hours x $40 per hour = $1360 for an 85,000 word book

Line/Substantive Edit: Line edits include proofreading corrections as well as a “common sense” read to evaluate sentence focus, cohesiveness, structure, characterization, etc. For instance, if a character starts using slang that doesn’t fit their personality, we might re-word the dialogue to fit the situation. Or if a sentence is awkwardly phrased or contextually out of place, we will suggest a fix. Basic formatting will be addressed, such as paragraphing and page breaks. Corrections and comments will be digital, made through track changes in Microsoft Word, with the option to easily reject objectionable edits.
Basic fee is generally $50 an hour 
Fee may be more if manuscript needs an intensive edit or the content is highly technical
Sample Quote: 85,000 word book/250 words per pg = 340 pages
340 pages/10 page edited per hour = 34 hours
34 hours x $50 per hour = $1700 for an 85,000 word book

Developmental Edit: The big ideas are considered, including elements such as theme development, character development, scene development, and plot points in novels, and information layout and construction in non-fiction. The audience, voice, and marketability of both genres will also be assessed. Reviews are truthful and constructive, provided in a four to six-page critique detailing examples of problem areas and possible solutions. We can review manuscripts in digital or paper versions for a developmental edit.
Basic fee is generally $50 an hour 
Fee may be more if manuscript needs an intensive edit or the content is highly technical
Sample Quote: 85,000 word book/250 words per pg = 340 pages
340 pages/10 page edited per hour = 34 hours
34 hours x $50 per hour = $1700 for an 85,000 word book

Full Manuscript Assessment and Edit: This includes both a developmental review and a line edit (see descriptions and fee development above). Again, reviews are truthful and constructive. Corrections and comments will be digital, made through track changes in Microsoft Word so you have the option to reject objectionable edits. Four to six pages of developmental notes, in a separate document, are also provided.

Basic fee is $2100 for a book under 85,000 words

Basic fee is $2500 for a book 85-125,000 words 

Fee for a word count 125,000+ is negotiable

Fee may be more if manuscript needs an intensive edit or the content is highly technical

More services are available in the pull-down menu! 
